Friday, April 1, 2011

miscellaneous madness.

Let's start out by saying that spring semester is pure madness. Since A&M is so focused on football [rightfully so since we owned this year] there is no opportunity to do anything except get drunk/tailgate in the fall; this leaves the beautiful months of March, April and May to be jam packed with absolute craziness for every weekend. I honestly have no and do not have a free weekend from now until after graduation. Talk about stress.

Side note: the house across the street from us is completely gone. And by completely I mean foundation and all. One morning it was there and when I got home from class it was in shambles. Now, I knew this was inevitable - we had been told it was going to be torn down and duplexes were going to be put in but SERIOUSLY? Why in the middle of everything does there have to be a port-o-potty in my view every time I walk out the front door? Why do I have to get checked out by creepy construction workers when I go for an afternoon jog? And why, oh why do I have to hear tractors, drills, and structures crashing down at all hours of the day and night? Rant over. My bad.

My roommate also decided to have a yard sale this weekend - more power to her. I am not one to have the patience for people to drive by in hopes that they might see my belongings and hope they are treasures rather than trash enough to stop. Our whole front yard is covered, as well as the driveway; all in all she is doing a pretty good job. Made a couple bucks and she is going to keep it going all weekend. I basically told her that she should just leave it all in the yard and have it become pieces of art if it doesn't sell ... I don't think she was too keen on my idea. Worth a shot though.

Now for the usual:

Thing [yes, there's only one] I HATE today: 
1. Being sick. I have yet to stop coughing ... hacking up a lung rather, for the past week. Not cool. Additionally I can't seem to really breathe through my nose and my head might just explode from the immense amount of sinus pressure in it. I currently taking allergy medicine, antibiotics, probiotics, breathing treatments and cough medicine. Epic fail. I feel like a walking pharmacy.

LOVE/HATE relationships: 
1. The weather. Though I am pleased that it has yet to reach the 90 degree mark like normal I am not thrilled that it was 47 outside when I woke up yesterday. I was just getting used to the idea of shorts, sandals and summertime and instead I had to wear jeans, UGG boots and a sweatshirt. Therefore it is a definite love/hate relationship. I wish we could just have a happy medium kind of weather for a while ... you know - maybe have seasons. Yeah, that would be nice.

2. Radio stations. Oh how I wish College Station had decent music that was played. But alas, I am stuck listening to Pink, Avril Lavigne and Bruno Mars. I need to invest in Sirius XM again but it is just so dang expensive. And since I am a poor college student it is not so much of an option. 

Things I LOVE: 
1. Aggie Relay For Life. Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back. Can I just say that I am stoked to be staying up all night participating in one of my favorite charities tonight? Wahoo. Not only has my team kicked butt and raised over our goal but it is just going to be a blast. Tons of food, music, friends and we are all gathering for a great cause. What a nice way to spend my Friday night. 

2. Catch Phrase. This game is severely underrated. I don't think I have ever laughed as much in my life as when my roommate Meagan and I choose to get real serious about Catch Phrase. You can play with however many people for five minutes or hours and you are guaranteed a good time. E-tailer, hedge trimmer, respect ... the laughs go on and on.

Laugh until you pee your pants. 
Yes, I am being serious. 
Forget the stress and just let yourself go. 
Not only will you be happier but you will get a great ab workout. 

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