Tuesday, April 12, 2011

day zero.

I have recently decided that my life is boring. By boring I don't necessarily mean that I don't do anything fun but rather I don't do a lot of things I have always hoped to do. Nor am I spontaneous. I need to work on that. So as I was fumbling around aimlessly on the internet I came across Day Zero. I am in love. The idea that I can make a list, which is probably one of my favorite things to do - solely so I can cross something off the list at a later day [try it], of all the things I want to do within 1001 days or "someday" is just genius. 

You can search other people's lists and get ideas of things you want to accomplish during your life. So cool. Some of the things on my list are good deeds for others, others are silly childish things, some will push me to my limits and some are just things I have always dreamed of. Right now I only have 61 goals to finish in the next 1001 days. The whole idea of the day zero project is to accomplish 101 goals in 1001 days but I can't really think of that many things I hope to do. 

[If you have any ideas for me, bring them on - seriously] 

The reason I am mentioning this on my blog in the first place is so that I have this in writing for myself. I have the online world to keep me accountable to this to do list I have created. I think my goal on top of all the other goals I have listed is going to be to complete one thing off my list per week. That way I can start to really make a dent in my personal day zero project. Hopefully this works - updates to come. 

Start your own Day Zero Project and create a new life for yourself - full of spontaneity, adventure, and joy. It'll be worth it. 

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