Sunday, April 3, 2011

best days of your life?

Before my rant I am going to go ahead and list ten things that I am thankful for to balance out the amount of anger with something good in my life - so here goes nothing:

1. My parents - for starters I literally wouldn't be here without them, but in a less literal sense of the word they have sustained me and helped me become the woman I am every moment of every day ... they are phenomenal and I couldn't ask for more

2. KOB - the three best friends in the world that a girl could ever imagine; through everything we have never given up on each other and I know that our friendships will last forever 

3. Each new day - slightly more simplistic but it is true ... I am lucky each day to just be waking up, the Lord has blessed me again today with breath and life and it is something I take for granted all too often

4. Music - this is something I would be completely lost without, it is my escape and my tranquility 

5. Books - though I don't get to read as often as I would like due to life, school and laziness when I do have the opportunity to sit down and transfer my world into a great book I regret that I don't make the time to do it more

6. Hummus - recently this has become my snack food of choice for whatever reason and my new obsession with it is not a problem with me - good anytime of the day and with pretty much anything I am thrilled with my discovery

7. Grey's Anatomy - this is my television show of choice no doubt; I have watched every episode and will continue to do so until it goes off the air ... no matter how unrealistic it gets ... McDreamy, Yang, Bailey [my Thursdays wouldn't be the same without them]

8. Texas A&M - sure it wasn't my school of choice as a senior in high school but as a senior in college about to graduate I wouldn't have had it any other way; I am the loudest and proudest member of the Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2011 A-WHOOP

9. Love - no matter the amount of it that I feel or the lack there of I am incredibly grateful for being able to love others and experience how they love me

10. Running - as of lately I have also taken a liking to exercise, specifically running ... it is a time in my day when I am able to forget the world, remove the stress and be alone, which I certainly don't do often enough

Oh and 11. Passion ... I am thankful for God and that he made us passionate human beings. I am glad that I get angry about things, fight for what I believe in and enjoy things so much that I can almost feel my heart smile. It is ridiculous to think what my life would be like if I wasn't passionate about music, my family, blogging or anything else for that matter. Can you just think about what the world would be like if no one genuinely cared about what they were doing with themselves!? 

Now, I can vent. 

But I kind of don't want to. Thinking about all of the things in life that I am thankful for, whether large or small, makes me realize how blessed I am. Granted I am still pissed but it isn't worth it to me right now to focus on the negative. Maybe another day. 

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