Tuesday, March 1, 2011


As I headed out of my house this morning I was in complete awe of God. The beauty of the world that surrounds us each day is something that I tend to take for granted. Rarely do I thank the Lord for His mercy and for the things He has given me. I am so undeserving, yet, it never fails that each day I wake up, take a breath and live. 

My biggest concern is always that God will give me more than I can handle. The issues that I have had on my plate since roughly my junior year of high school have not been fun. Family drama, illness of loved ones and people passing away that were and are still dear to my heart has not been something I would have picked to spend dealing with through my college career. So I wonder sometimes why God has chosen to hand me this platter; what is it about me that He looks down and says, "I know SHE can handle it." 

I so often forget that the Bible is my greatest tool and my most useful resource. It never fails that when I am need serious guidance I am automatically directed to the perfect verse or chapter. I doubt in the Lord so often that when He does show me his grace I am even more overwhelmed and drawn to Him. 

EXODUS 14:14
"You need only to be still, the Lord will fight for you."

That verse is something I have chosen to live my life by. I am now at a place in my life where I am handing over control. As much as it sucks and as painful or confusing it may be I know that the Lord is not going to put me in situations without giving me some sort of direction. I am awful at choosing my own path and the plans I make for myself are always a fail so I have gotten to the point of no return and have just decided to not try. The challenges in my life that are about to arise as I face some of the toughest decisions I have ever had to make are not going to be mine and mine alone. I just need to remember that God is by my side and he is fighting back right along side of me. 

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