Thursday, February 24, 2011

good [and bad] things come in 3's.


..... 1.  As of currently, I believe my Teach For America interview went well. And by "well" I mean as good as an awkward 45 minute phone conversation with a stranger can go; but I'm not complaining. I am one step closer and as of now all I can do is wait. 

..... 2. I have phenomenal friends. You may think your friends are the greatest but that's pretty much a false statement. Within the past week we have made two home cooked meals, learned how to dougie via Justin Bieber, watched a sad amount of Extreme Makeover Home Edition and planned multiple road trips for the near future. Undeniably they make my world go round. 

..... 3. Working out has become an awesome new habit. Which has led to me agreeing to run a 5K with my roommates this Friday. Never in my life did I think this would be a possibility for myself - much less something I would ever agree to. But I have and though I don't think I will run the whole 3.1 miles or whatever it may be, I am pretty sure I will kick ass regardless. 


..... 1.  Not getting to see Gixxer. The ex-boyfriend and I aren't on the best of terms which means "our" dog is no longer "ours" it is his; which I hate, if I haven't mentioned that yet. So unfair. I have no control in the situation. I feel awful because I get the feeling I will never get to see him again. Something I just have to deal with I guess. 

..... 2. I am feeling pretty eh as of lately. Not really sure if I am getting sick or what but I am kind of in a mellow mood, as I quote my dear friend Olivia. Life just seems kind of blah, the weather is super gross and I am definitely coming down with a cold; fail. This all needs to do a 180, asap. 

..... 3. One of my friends, who has a child that I LOVE, told me that we are no longer going to be able to speak. To say I was distraught is an understatement. Not only am I losing my friend but their precious little girl as well. I thought things were heading in the right direction - that we were on the same page with our friendship - apparently I was wrong. Slap in the face: check. 


..... I am sure there are three who's or what's that are ugly in my life but we shall save this for another day .....

For now I leave you with this: 
Forgive someone. Try to at least. Regardless of how big or small the issue between the two of you is, make an attempt to fix it. Animosity and anger only spur more hate within yourself - just see what happens. 

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