Thursday, February 10, 2011

love, hate and nostalgia.

It seems as though I am back to blogging and oddly enough it is where I seem to feel the most comfortable.  As cheesy as it sounds I had a Xanga back in the day; yeah I went there. It seems to me as though that was the original blogging site. Even though that was probably just the perspective of a seemingly unknowing junior high girl back in the day. Oh how I wish I could go back to those days sometimes; then again all I blogged about was how much I hated my parents or what boy I thought was cute.

Oh how the tides have turned

Nowadays I am a broke college student - living a life of uncertainty and chaos. If I'm not on my way to a meeting, frantically studying for a test or getting some shut eye [which is rare] ... then I am having $1 margaritas with my roommates, making random road trips in the middle of the night and dancing on campus in the rain [which happens more often than you would think]. 

This is going to be my opportunity to rant about things I hate and occasionally tell you about things and those that I LOVE


I hate the cold
We live in Texas people, freaking Texas. When my poor soul woke up at the crack of 630AM for class it was 23 degrees outside. With a windchill of 14 degrees.I could see my breath in my car. Not only is that unheard of in these parts it is also absurd. No one should have to brave such unbearable conditions. 

Additionally I LOVE McDonald's breakfast
Now don't get me wrong - McDonald's is nasty and I am certainly not a fan. I don't even enjoy red meat to begin with. Seeing as McDonald's doesn't use real meat I tend to let their food slide under the radar. That however is not the point. What I'm getting at is how delicious a silly sausage patty, hash-brown and glass of orange juice can be at 7AM. It is absolutely mind blowing. Normally  McDonald's is pissing me off because breakfast is only served till 10AM. But alas, today I beat the system. It will be a good day. 

Until next time I will leave you with this ...
Challenge: Broaden your horizons. Listen to music you normally wouldn't, eat food you think is strange - just step out of your box and see what happens. 

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