Tuesday, August 12, 2014


I failed to mention in my life update that I adopted a child. Not actually adopted a child but rather chose to sponsor a child during 2013 via Compassion International. His name is Armel and he lives in Burkina Faso. His birthday is coming up; he'll be 7 years old. He plays soccer with his friends for fun or hide and seek. Want to know the most incredible thing about Armel though? He loves Jesus.

We don't get to talk often because it takes quite some time for letters to get back and forth however when he does write, he says such profound things for child. He asks me to pray for he and his family, that they would be safe and healthy. He asks for me to pray for him that he would excel in school. Armel is truly a child of God. He loves his Savior and even at such a young age he strives to learn more about the Bible, Heaven and Jesus. I sometimes stare at his picture and am in awe.

Yesterday I received and email from Compassion updating me on the status of the Ebola outbreaks in Africa. I don't know how it had not crossed my mind that Armel was in the middle of this but when I saw the email a part of my heart sank. His country has yet to be infected but much of West Africa is now showing cases of the virus, countries that surround his location in Burkina Faso. I wonder if he knows the severity of the situation; if he has any idea that there is an outbreak of a life threatening disease just 800 miles away. Then I remind myself that knowing Armel, it wouldn't matter. For he has given his life to his Lord and is full of joy no matter the situation.

Prayers for Armel flow through my head constantly. I have tried to implement him into my daily life so that he is on my mind as much as possible. There is a picture of him in my wallet, one on my bathroom mirror, etc. I want so desperately for him to know that I am here. I know he is aware that I sponsor him but I don't know if he has a clue how much he of an influence he has on me. I admire him and he inspires me. I hope that I can be half the blessing to him that he is to me.

Please join me in my prayers for Armel and his family.

"You need only to be still, the Lord will fight for you" 
Exodus 14:14

Till next time ...


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