Sunday, January 15, 2012

saying goodbye is hard to do.

So I am going to be incredibly and sincerely sappy throughout this post just to forewarn anyone who is reading ... if you don't want to go there with me then stop here and come back at a later date. Thanks and Gig 'Em :] 

Now that that's out of the way ... for those that don't mind how lovey dovey I am about to be here I hope I live up to the lovestruck school girl you had in mind. I know that technically tomorrow isn't "goodbye" for me and Tyler. Goodbye is super permanent, something that you say to someone who moves to another country or passes away. Those are goodbyes; painful, heart wrenching moments in life that you wish never had to happen. So goodbye seems a little silly to say when he is just heading back to San Antonio. But it happens to be a slightly painful, heart wrenching moment for me when he leaves every time. And I have a feeling this goodbye is going to be a bit more difficult than all the rest because we have had the opportunity to spend almost an entire month together; a whole month where we saw each other every day. It may not seem like much to a lot of people but I have had the opportunity to fall more and more in love with this man every day. I enjoy each moment we get to spend together and learn about each other. Whether we are working out, cooking, watching Home Improvement or hanging out with some of our bests it is all a joy to be with the man I love - the man who makes me a better me. 

As time passes I can see why the Lord placed him in my life in the exact moment that he did. He has brought me pure joy and happiness in a time when I was truly struggling. He has made me feel as loved as I could possibly feel by another human. He has helped me know what it is like to genuinely find your soulmate and want to spend forever with someone else. I always hoped that something like this existed. Hoped that I would find it someday but now it is tangible and I have it in my grasp I couldn't imagine something greater. 

I am sitting here on the couch as he packs up all his stuff around me. It makes me sad to imagine a life without him even if it is only going to be a measly two weeks or something. I am one of the lucky ones - someone who has found the person they were meant to spend their life with and at this point the less time we have to spend apart the better in my eyes. We have already spent 22 or 23 years without each other ... I don't want to increase that number any more than I have to. 

But like I said it is only two weeks. And I can live with two weeks. I have forever to look forward to. With the man I have always dreamed of by my side. So here's to the next fourteen days and to forever. 

It's only the beginning. 

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