Friday, September 2, 2011

first time for everything.

This is going to be all over the place. Stay with me. 

- First time in a long time that I will be missing the Aggie football opener. I thought I missed being a student but as the first game of the season approaches I realize just how much I miss my second home. College Station is some place I will always be able to go and remember a time in my life that some of my best and worst memories happened. Hopefully I will get to attend a few games this season and many more in the years to come. Can't wait to be back in the best student section in college football. 

- Best friend left for Spain today. Such a weird feeling. She is going to have the time of her life, I have no doubt but I am going to miss her dearly. She left the three of us here and of course we will manage to get by but it is never the same when all of us aren't together. So glad I have these girls in my life. 

- Mom is on my case again. About everything. But more so about going to graduate school. She made me make an appointment with St. Thomas downtown for next week to talk to them about getting my MLA. It doesn't sound like such a bad plan but who knows. We will see if I can even get in. Ugh. I should've done better as an undergrad. D for diploma is killing me. I mean granted I did better than straight D's but for goodness sake it's like since I don't have a 4.0 I don't mean anything. Stupid society.

- Wedding to go to this weekend. It'll be a fun time. Getting to see quite a few people that I do not get to spend enough time with. Hopefully it will help us all reconnect and stay in touch better. All in all should be pleasant. 

- Been running lately. Granted I haven't been running as far as I would like but alas it is like 112 degrees outside so I am proud of however far I can make it. I am hoping to just build up my tolerance but we will see. Contemplating on getting a membership to a gym around here. I have some friends who joined one that is rather cheap - so we will see. I miss the REC - boo.

- Looking forward to the next few months. Should make for more exciting memories. The best is yet to come right? 

- Anna's funeral is tomorrow. I can't go. I wish I could. Part of me feels like it isn't my place to be there - she and I had only met on a few occasions but her brother and I were a part of each others lives for quite some time. Granted we had drifted but still I wanted to be able to support him. It's never easy. I just hope he and his family can manage to get through the day, one step and one breath at a time.