Saturday, July 30, 2011

i remember when i was nineteen.

Remember when you were 19 and decided to say whatever was on your mind to whoever would listen and let you have a voice? 

Wait ... I still do that. Even when people won't listen and don't want me to have a voice. 

Maybe I am not the most respectful 22 year old but I have managed to get by without too many meltdowns. And though I may be blunt, harsh, honest, bitchy - whatever you like to call it - I still attempt to maintain a decency for people in the world ... especially one's that I have yet to meet. 

Alas it seems as though everyone in the world is not that way. Tonight - oh, tonight - I am beyond annoyed. Feel how you want. I am not one to try and stifle anyone else's opinion but I would rather not have my laundry aired to the world. 

I am going to attempt to be as mature as possible in the situation and ask discuss the issue with them politely but it may come down to the battle of the bitches. And trust me - I always win

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