Friday, July 20, 2012

moving on up!

We are on the move. Literally. My parents are moving out, two of my friends are moving in and Ty is moving to Florida. All of this is happening within roughly one week of each other ... could life be any crazier? Seriously? It is insanity. The house is a disaster right now and Tyler and I are about to head to San Antonio to make his apartment a disaster too. Little by little it is all coming together though and I know that it will be fabulous in the end. It is just a matter of getting to the light at the end of the tunnel currently.

I am nervous about my parents moving out. They aren't going to be super far away or anything but regardless I get anxious. They aren't old but they are getting older and well, I worry. If there is one thing that I worry most about in life it is them dying, no doubt. I can't imagine my life without them. I hope they know that. And I hope I have been doing a decent job of spending some time with them before they go. I know I have been preoccupied with my own feelings about other things but I need to make more of an effort to see them and get some alone time with them since they won't be in the same house as me anymore. 

On the other hand I am pretty excited to have roommates again. I think it will be a fun atmosphere for all of us. I have never been one who wanted to live alone, probably because I was an only child. I have always dreamed of having siblings, especially sisters - so roommates helps slightly fulfill that goal. Both of the girls moving in are great people and very different from me. I think it will be fun to see how we can all challenge each other, grow together and become the best of friends. Yay.

The boyfriend moves in the middle of August. It is a lot of work trying to figure out what is going and staying, as it is with every move. I am excited for him. His new apartment is awesome and I don't think he could have picked a better one to be honest. Hopefully it will all go smoothly. Once we get everything packed up in San Antonio I think he will be a little bit more at ease, I know I will. Because then all that is left is actually getting it all to Florida. I am going to miss him. Duh. But we have already agreed on an iChat date at least once a week for dinner [we're precious I know] and I have no doubt that we can make it work.

For now I guess I am just going to dive head first into the craziness and try and get everything organized and ready for the big days. Yikes. 

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