Thursday, June 7, 2012

I'm sexy and I know it ...

Not the biggest fan of LMFAO however that music video just cracks me up. It seems to be an underlying theme in my life as of lately too. I don't mean to be arrogant in any way by that statement, I just mean to say that the more I work out the better I feel about myself, the more confidence I have and the sexier I think I am. 

I have been doing pretty awesome with my running as of lately - props go to Tyler for that one - this week we bump up to 9 miles. By no means am I fast. But I am kicking some ass if I do say so myself. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would be running that far, at that pace; or simply that far for that matter. I feel so empowered after a good long run. It relieves tons stress and really just clears my head. For an hour and a half the other day I just got to listen to music, think, and embrace all of nature around me; all three of which I rarely have the chance to do so it was incredibly pleasant. 

In addition to my new found love for running I am trying out some new workout things. For starters I had a job interview at Lululemon and part of the interview process was a Crossfit session. Now if you have never checked out Crossfit I would suggest doing so at least once. I have always been super intimidated by the idea of it but it was actually a lot of fun. I was sore as all get out the next day, could barely even move my arms my biceps hurt so bad, but definitely worth it. I  am branching out in terms of yoga as well. I have never really committed to a studio but me and some friends purchased a Groupon for a studio called Cherry Blossom, that if you are ever in the Houston area you should check out. I am also planning on joining a running group to help prepare for some races in the fall that I want to do. Having a group to fall back on and push me will definitely help, since Ty isn't always here every time I go run; motivation is key and I think these ladies will for sure give me that. 

Working out has just sort of become my thing that I love. I feel weird when I don't workout now. Back to the Lululemon interview though ... while I was at the interview the manager talked a lot about how their company really promotes goal setting. I have set goals for myself in the past and continue to do so on a regular basis. However, they are generally things that are either really simple that I know I will accomplish, which removes the fear of failure, or so difficult that I am almost destined to fail before I begin. Today though we were asked what is something we hope to have accomplished by this day in June 2013. I thought about it for a moment and it isn't anything life changing or drastic but my goal is to have run a half marathon, more than one by that point in fact. 

So I have decided to put everything down on my blog so that if anyone actually reads this thing - you can keep me accountable - and I will have it in writing. They are far from now but I just really want to make sure I am prepared so I don't look like a fool. 

1. Holiday Half in Galveston, November 18.
2. Run Girl Half in Houston, December 9.
3. Galveston Half, January 27. 

Oh and I am thinking of doing a round of Insanity again. Just can't get enough Shaun T. 

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