Thursday, February 9, 2012

"When did we become adults?...

And how do we make it stop?" 

If any of you who follow me know me at all you are not surprised that the above quote is from the ever famous Meredith Grey from Grey's Anatomy. It is one of those quotes that I find completely applicable to my life the more I sit down and think about it. My birthday was this past Friday. I am 23. Which in reality makes me a grown-up. It makes me an adult. 

But am I really? 

I still want my mommy and daddy around when I am sick. 
I enjoy car jamming - a lot. 
I like to color - and then put my signature on the page and give it to someone.
PB&Banana is still a staple in my diet. 
My stuffed animal, Bear - yes, that's his name, still sleeps with me. 
I hide under the covers when I hear funny noises at night .. like that would stop someone.
Depending on the item - I may still purchase clothes from the juniors department. 
I literally have one bill and it's my cell phone. 

All of those things are qualities and quirks that I really like about myself though. I mean only paying for my cell phone bill isn't necessarily a quality or quirk but for now I will take it. I guess what I am getting at is even though I am age appropriate to be in a suit everyday, paying all my bills and having a stream lined, clean apartment ... I want to enjoy who I am and soak it all up. I know that one day I am going to have a great job, a wonderful husband, a house to clean and kids to take care of - and I guess I hope that all of the above things are still true about me. I don't want to lose a sense of who I am just because I am an "adult". 

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